
VariGenTM for SLQ-32:

     Electronic Warfare Environment Generator / Stimulator

             for the AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System



VariGenTM for SLQ-32 is an Electronic Warfare Environment Generator designed to work directly with the AN/SLQ-32, the US Navy’s leading EW system deployed on major combatant vessels.  SLQ-32 is being updated in the multi-stage Surface EW Improvement Program (SEWIP).  VariGen simulators have been in service at several USN test facilities since 2003.  A key attribute is that VariGenTM  is fully compatible with both the legacy and the recently procured ESE processors.

As a digital EW simulator, the VariGenTM produces Pulse Descriptor Words (PDWs) that are injected directly into the SLQ-32 Presorter Unit in a compatible format.  The simulator contains specialized circuits that model the pulse responses of the SLQ-32's multiple receiver units.  By interfacing to the PDW Presorter rather than to a secondary processing level, complete exercising of the total pulse processing logic & software is achieved.

The ability to create light or dense EW situations with multiple emitters on multiple platforms, all with controlled motions, together with high fidelity generation of all individual emitters, combine to create a powerful capability for SLQ-32 test, evaluation, and training.

The simulator produces PDWs for up to 1000 simultaneous emitters at total pulse densities of up to 2 million pulses per second (2 Mpps) and beyond.  The core VariGen technology provides an extensive repertoire of complex signal types, modulations, and scan patterns.  (More on signal modeling...)

In addition to its standalone capability, VariGenTM for SLQ-32 can be operated as a subsystem within the Navy's Next Generation Simulator (NGS) for combat systems.  This means increased realism for Combat System testing over and above test procedures relying on canned scripts to simulate EW system responses.

The VariGenTM  is transportable, weighing under 30 lbs, and can be easily set up and connected to any SLQ-32 presorter (1A4 or, for ESE, 1A5) unit.   It is 19" rack mountable and also fits on a ship's EW equipment shelf.   MIL-type connectors for cabling to the presorter unit are located on simulator's rear panel. 

The hardware Base Unit of a VariGenTM simulator is controlled over Ethernet by WindowsTM  hosted software.  Simulation scenarios and libraries can be constructed and checked on any Windows desktop or notebook PC without the need for simulation hardware to be present.

VariGenTM for SLQ-32 features an ability to multiplex "live" pulse descriptors coming from the SLQ-32's own receiver/encoder units into its synthetic PDW output stream.  Thus the simulator can superimpose a "background" or secondary pulse load while an external signal generator, replica radar, or live exercise provides direct RF stimulation.

VariGenTM version for SEWIP Block 2 also known as SLQ-32 (V6) is in development.  This device emulates the Block 2 antennas and receivers and allows stimulation of the Block 2 processor in isolation, without involving any target system Built-in-Test features.

For more information, please contact:

Varilog Research, Inc.
Attn. Robert Scher
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 203
Beltsville, MD 20705   

(301) 474-3676


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